【出展】2024年3月23〜24日(土日)Board Game Business Expo Japan
- パッケージを購入していただきご自宅等で遊んでいただける「パッケージ型マーダーミステリー」作品
「ダモクレスの旗印」、「カルネアデスの陰影」、「テセウスの手引」等 - お引き合い頂いたパートナー様の営業場所(例えばお宿や飲食店など)で、その場でしか体験できない「現地公演型マーダーミステリー」作品
「傾木探偵は探らないシリーズ」「DOTs x LINEsシリーズ」等 - 原案のテーマや世界観などを教えて頂き、マーダーミステリーとして構築させていただいた受託制作作品
- newmerous作品の海外展開にご協力いただける方
- newmerous作品の国内でのさらなる販路開拓にご協力いただける方
- newmerousに作品制作のご依頼をいただける方
- newmerous作品をライセンス契約し商用公演を行なっていただける方
- 国内外問わず、パッケージ制作の製造としての発注先候補となっていただける方
印刷所、工場等 - newmerousや作品の知名度向上のために行う企画や活動にご協力いただける方
インフルエンサー等 - マーダーミステリー作品に関するキャラクターや小物などのイラストを制作していただける方
イラストレーター等 - 文章やマーダーミステリー制作にご興味のある方
English below↓
At BGBE, we are grateful to have a dedicated time for business meetings. As such, we’d like to introduce Newmerous and share what we’re looking for.
Since 2018, Newmerous has been creating board games, card games, and other analog games. In 2020, we ventured into the intriguing world of murder mystery games, a journey that has enriched our portfolio with more than ten titles to date, with more projects currently underway.
Our creations include:
- Packaged Murder Mystery Games that you can purchase and enjoy at home, such as “Damocles no hata zirushi(The Banner of Damocles),” “Carneades no in-ei(The Shadow of Carneades),” and “Theseus no tebiki(The Guidance of Theseus).”
- Site-Specific Murder Mystery Games for unique, location-based experiences at our partners’ venues, like hotels and restaurants. Series include “Kabuki The Detective Doesn’t Search” and “DOTs x LINEs.”
- Custom-Made Murder Mysteries where we develop games based on original themes and worlds provided to us.
We’re seeking partners:
- For International Expansion: Individuals or entities interested in helping Newmerous expand globally.
- For Production Requests: Parties interested in commissioning Newmerous to create games.
- For Licensing: Those who wish to license Newmerous games for commercial performances.
We’re also looking for:
- Manufacturers: Domestically and internationally, for packaging production – print shops, factories, etc.
- Promotional Partners: To assist in activities and projects aimed at enhancing the visibility of Newmerous and our games – influencers, etc.
- Illustrators: For creating characters and items related to our murder mystery games.
- Translators: Those interested in translating our murder mystery products.
While we’ve outlined our business intentions, we hope to foster casual and meaningful connections beyond formal discussions. We look forward to building relationships with fellow game creators in a friendly and engaging manner.